Sunday 8 April 2007

The Atomiser, Part V

The Atomiser can now walk its own Abstract Syntax Tree and pluck lists of valid atoms from its own source code.

Next on the list is to

  • Have the Erlang compiler tell us when we use an atom that is not in the valid list.

Sounds easy: let's get to it!

We want to turn our placeholder atom clause in the walk_ast function into something a little more useful:

walk_ast([{atom,Line,Atom}|RestAST], Atoms) ->
    walk_ast(RestAST, atom_check(Atom, Line, Atoms));

Our new atom_check function will compare the supplied atom against the given atoms dictionary. If the atom exists in the dictionary then a new dictionary will be returned, with that atom's value updated to 'found' (taking the place of the atom's line-of-definition integer). If the atom does not exist in the dictionary then a warning message will be displayed and the original dictionary will be returned:

atom_check(Atom, Line, Atoms) ->
    case dict:find(Atom, Atoms) of
        {ok, found} ->
        {ok, _LineDefinedOn} ->
            dict:store(Atom, found, Atoms);
        error ->
                "Line ~B: Atom ~w unexpected.~n",
                [Line, Atom]),

...and we are almost done.

A bit of a shock - but a good sign - is the number of unknown atoms that appear when you first run the Atomiser on itself. All of the atoms we use in our walk_ast pattern tuples show up as unknown atoms, so let's add some proper valid atom lists to the top of the file. First, the atoms we use in our patterns:

-atoms([atom, attribute, call, 'case', clause, clauses, compile]).
-atoms([cons, eof, export, file, 'fun', function, match, module]).
-atoms([nil, remote, string, tuple, var]).

And then some other atoms we are use elsewhere in the code:

-atoms([atoms, error, found, ok]).

And... all the function names are showing up as unknown atoms, too?

Executive decision time!

Since internal function-calls are already picked up by the compiler when they do not match a function in the module, I think it should be safe to modify the 'call' line to:

?WALK_AST({call,_Line,_Fun,Args}, [Args]);

This will skip validating the called function name.

And now,

1> c(atomiser), l(atomiser).


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