Tuesday, 17 April 2007

The Atomiser, Redux

I have received some great comments and suggestions regarding the Atomiser; as a result I have added a new (optional) feature to the module. (Don't worry - The Atomiser may be new and improved, but is still 100% backwardly-compatible!)

As usual, you may specify a list of globally-valid atoms:

-atoms([atom1, atom2...]).

You may now also specify function-specific atom lists in two ways. The first method is to add a function name (only) to an atoms declaration entry. The atoms specified will then be valid within all 'fun_name' functions, regardless of the arity of those function definitions:

-atoms({fun_name, [atom1, atom2...]}).

(Unfortunately we have to wrap this all information up in a single tuple: 'wild' module attributes can only contain one value.)

To be even more specific you may add a function name and an arity to an atoms declaration. These atoms will then be valid within that specific 'fun_name/arity' function definition:

-atoms({fun_name, arity, [atom1, atom2...]}).

Atoms declarations are cumulative: globally-valid atoms (if any) are included along with function and function/arity atoms when checking for valid atoms within a given function definition.

You might notice that in the code below I have added a few new clauses into the walk_ast function. I was a bit concerned that I may have missed some node types from the Erlang AST, so I cracked open the only reference I had seen of the Abstract Format and added a few more function clauses that I had initially overlooked. I am pretty sure that just about everything is in there now, but feel free to disabuse me of that notion. :-)

Finally, I cleaned up the ?WALK_AST macro a little so that it no longer requires a list of ASTs to process: it now works directly off a single AST. Removing embedded lists has simplified the use of this macro quite considerably.

The new Atomiser Module:

-author("Philip Robinson").
%-compile({parse_transform, atomiser}). % Uncomment after initial compile.

-atoms([base_dict_key,error, ok]). % Atoms used in four or more functions.
-atoms({atoms_check, 5, [found]}).
-atoms({atoms_unused_print, 1, [found]}).
-atoms({key_more_general, 1, [function]}).
-atoms({parse_transform, 2, [report_warnings,true]}).
-atoms({walk_ast, 3, [atom, atoms, attribute, b_generate, bc, bin, bin_element,
        block, call, 'case', 'catch', char, clause, clauses, cons, eof, float,
        'fun', function, generate, 'if', integer, lc, match, nil, op, 'query',
        'receive', record, record_field, string, 'try', tuple, var, warning]}).

parse_transform(AST, Options) ->
    DictAtomsAll = dict:store(base_dict_key, dict:new(), dict:new()),
    case lists:member(report_warnings, Options) of
        true -> atoms_unused_print(walk_ast(AST, base_dict_key, DictAtomsAll));
        _ -> ok

dict_with_added_atoms(Line, AtomList, DictInitial) ->
    AddAtom = fun(Atom, Dict) ->
        case dict:find(Atom, Dict) of
            {ok,LineAlreadyDefined} ->
                    "~s:~B Warning: atom '~w' already defined on line ~B.~n",
                    [?FILE, Line, Atom, LineAlreadyDefined]),
            error -> dict:store(Atom, Line, Dict)
    lists:foldl(AddAtom, DictInitial, AtomList).

atoms_from_attr(Line, Key, AtomList, Atoms) ->
    Dict = case dict:find(Key, Atoms) of {ok,D} -> D; error -> dict:new() end,
    dict:store(Key, dict_with_added_atoms(Line, AtomList, Dict), Atoms).

atoms_check(Atom, Line, KeyDict, Atoms) ->
    case dict:find(KeyDict, Atoms) of
        {ok,Dict} -> atoms_check(Atom, Line, KeyDict, Dict, Atoms);
        error -> atoms_check(Atom, Line, key_more_general(KeyDict), Atoms)

atoms_check(Atom, Line, KeyDict, Dict, Atoms) ->
    case dict:find(Atom, Dict) of
        {ok,found} -> Atoms;
        {ok,_LineDefinedOn} ->
            dict:store(KeyDict, dict:store(Atom,found,Dict), Atoms);
        error ->
            case KeyDict of
                base_dict_key ->
                    io:format("~s:~B Warning: atom '~w' unexpected.~n",
                        [?FILE, Line, Atom]),
                _ -> atoms_check(Atom, Line, key_more_general(KeyDict), Atoms)

key_more_general({function,Fun,_Arity}) -> {function,Fun};
key_more_general({function,_Fun}) -> base_dict_key.

atoms_unused_print(Atoms) ->
    Filter = fun({_Atom,Line}) -> Line =/= found end,
    DictsToList = fun({_DictKey,Dict}, UnusedAtoms) ->
        UnusedAtomsNew = lists:filter(Filter, dict:to_list(Dict)),
        UnusedAtomsNewSorted = lists:keysort(2, UnusedAtomsNew),
        lists:keymerge(2, UnusedAtomsNewSorted, UnusedAtoms)
    UnusedAtoms = lists:foldl(DictsToList, [], dict:to_list(Atoms)),
    PrintUnusedAtom = fun({Atom,Line}) ->
        io:format("~s:~B Warning: atom '~w' unused.~n", [?FILE, Line, Atom])
    lists:foreach(PrintUnusedAtom, UnusedAtoms).

-define(WALK_AST(PatternToMatch, ExpressionsToProcess),
    walk_ast([PatternToMatch|ASTRest], Key, Atoms) ->
        walk_ast(ASTRest, Key, walk_ast(ExpressionsToProcess, Key, Atoms))).

walk_ast([], _Key, Atoms) -> Atoms;
walk_ast([{atom,Line,Atom}|RestAST], Key, Atoms) ->
    walk_ast(RestAST, Key, atoms_check(Atom, Line, Key, Atoms));
walk_ast([{attribute,Line,atoms,{Fun,Arity,AtomList}}|RestAST], Key, Atoms) ->
    AtomsNew = atoms_from_attr(Line, {function,Fun,Arity}, AtomList, Atoms),
    walk_ast(RestAST, Key, AtomsNew);
walk_ast([{attribute,Line,atoms,{Fun,AtomList}}|RestAST], Key, Atoms) ->
    AtomsNew = atoms_from_attr(Line, {function,Fun}, AtomList, Atoms),
    walk_ast(RestAST, Key, AtomsNew);
walk_ast([{attribute,Line,atoms,AtomList}|RestAST], Key, Atoms) ->
    AtomsNew = atoms_from_attr(Line, base_dict_key, AtomList, Atoms),
    walk_ast(RestAST, Key, AtomsNew);
?WALK_AST({attribute,_Line,_Name,_Value}, []); % Ignore all other attributes.
?WALK_AST({b_generate,_Line,Pattern,Expression}, [Pattern, Expression]);
?WALK_AST({bc,_Line,Head,Tail}, [Head|Tail]);
?WALK_AST({bin,_Line,BinElements}, BinElements);
?WALK_AST({bin_element,_Line,_Name,_Size,_Type}, []);
?WALK_AST({block,_Line,Expr}, [Expr]);
?WALK_AST({call,_Line,_Fun,Args}, Args); % Handles local and module calls.
?WALK_AST({'case',_Line,Test,Clauses}, [Test|Clauses]);
?WALK_AST({'catch',_Line,Expr}, Expr);
?WALK_AST({char,_Line,_Char}, []);
walk_ast([{clause,_Line,Pattern,Guards,Body}|RestAST], Key, Atoms) ->
    AtomsGuard = lists:foldl(
        fun(ASTGuard, AtomsGuard) ->
            walk_ast(ASTGuard, Key, AtomsGuard)
        walk_ast(Pattern, Key, Atoms), Guards),
    walk_ast(ASTRest, Key, walk_ast(Body, Key, AtomsGuard));
?WALK_AST({cons,_Line,Left,Right}, [Left,Right]);
?WALK_AST({eof,_Line}, []);
?WALK_AST({error,_Details}, []); % Ignore compiler errors.
?WALK_AST({float,_Line,_Float}, []);
?WALK_AST({'fun',_Line,{clauses,Clauses}}, Clauses);
?WALK_AST({'fun',_Line,_ModuleFunArity}, []);
walk_ast([{function,_Line,Fun,Arity,Clauses}|RestAST], Key, Atoms) ->
    walk_ast(RestAST, Key, walk_ast(Clauses, {function,Fun,Arity}, Atoms));
?WALK_AST({generate,_Line,Pattern,Expression}, [Pattern, Expression]);
?WALK_AST({'if',_Line,Clauses}, Clauses);
?WALK_AST({integer,_Line,_Integer}, []);
?WALK_AST({lc,_Line,Head,Tail}, [Head|Tail]);
?WALK_AST({match,_Line,Pattern,Expression}, [Pattern, Expression]);
?WALK_AST({nil,_Line}, []);
?WALK_AST({op,_Line,_BinaryOp,Left,Right}, [Left, Right]);
?WALK_AST({op,_Line,_UnaryOp,_Operand}, []);
?WALK_AST({'query',_Line,ListComprehension}, [ListComprehension]);
?WALK_AST({'receive',_Line,Clauses}, Clauses);
?WALK_AST({'receive',_Line,Clauses1,_TimeAfter,Clauses2}, Clauses1 ++ Clauses2);
?WALK_AST({record,_Line,_Record,Fields}, Fields);
?WALK_AST({record_field,_Line,Field,Value}, [Field, Value]);
?WALK_AST({record_field,_Line,_Variable,_Record,Field}, [Field]);
?WALK_AST({string,_Line,_String}, []);
            [Block] ++ CaseClauses ++ CatchClauses ++ AfterClauses);
?WALK_AST({tuple,_Line,Elements}, Elements);
?WALK_AST({var,_Line,_Name}, []);
?WALK_AST({warning,_Details}, []); % Ignore compiler warnings.
walk_ast([Node|ASTRest], Key, Atoms) ->
    io:format("Unknown node: ~p~n", [Node]),
    walk_ast(ASTRest, Key, Atoms).

PS: Does anyone know of an easy way to get Blogger to indent code properly? I am getting a little tired of pasting loads of " " everywhere...

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