Thursday, 12 April 2007

Erlang Macro Processor (v1), Part II

I will have to be quite stingy with doling out feature requests if I want to keep this parse_transform module as small - and simple - as possible. EMP2 may be able to guzzle from the feature fountain; EMP1 will be on restricted rations.

I really only need EMP1 for a single specific purpose: to create a binary table in a lookup function at compile-time. Anything extra it can do will be icing on the cake.

There is a bare minimum that EMP1 needs to do in order to qualify as a compile-time macro processor:

  1. Walk the AST of a given module.
  2. On encountering a macro 'trigger', run the designated macro function and retrieve its output.
  3. Parse the macro function's output and convert it into an AST of the Erlang term/s.
  4. Replace the macro trigger in the original AST with the AST of the function's output.
So how can we achieve this with a minimum of effort?

We already know how to walk the AST of a module from our work on the Atomiser, so this part should not be a problem.

The simplest macro 'trigger' I can think of is having '-macro' module attributes contain a {module,function,args} tuple value. These attributes are easy enough to find, and we can use the Erlang 'apply' function to call an arbitrary function.

By only using module attributes as macro triggers the EMP1 module only has to look for (and replace) nodes at the top level of the given AST. EMP1 does not have to walk through (or even know about) any other nodes, so almost all of the walk_ast function clauses that had to be included in the Atomiser can be left out of this module.

The easiest way to implement macro functions is probably for them to return a textual representation of the function that we want them to create. This will actually make it much easier to debug the macros as well: we will be able to print the output and see if it really is the function we are after.

Replacing a macro trigger module attribute node in an AST is as simple as prepending a different node to the outbound AST in the walk_ast function.

The only tricky bit with all of this would be parsing the textual representation of an Erlang term and converting it into an AST, but I am sure there will be something available for this purpose. I have seen some erl_scan and erl_parse modules floating around in the documentation - they or something similar should do.

On the other hand, there are a few caveats that I can think of with implementing EMP1 this way.

As EMP1 is a parse_transform module, it would not be possible to use it to define a standard Erlang substitution macro (using the '-define' keyword). Normal Erlang macros are already expanded into the AST before EMP1 receives it; as far as I am aware there there is no such thing as an AST for a substitution macro. I am not sure if there is anything that can be done about this, unless there is some way of hooking directly into the Erlang preprocessor.

The biggest limitation with using module attributes as the trigger to call a macro is that EMP1 will only be able to build whole functions at a time. Module attributes [only] live at the top level of the AST, and you cannot just insert any old Erlang term up there.

For example, to create a binary lookup table in a function a macro will have to return the whole function with the table embedded rather than just the table by itself. In my case the lookup function will be quite small anyway, so this does not bother me overly much.

Finally, EMP1 will be executing code while the module is being compiled. Any macro code that is to be run must be in a separate (and already compiled) module, which will introduce a dependency in the order in which certain modules can be compiled.

Do any of these limitations worry me?

Hell no!

If EMP1 can achieve the modest goals outlined above then I will consider this project a resounding success.

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