Erlang Macro Processor (v2), Part III
The top level of the AST is a list of nodes, rather than a node in its own right, so we might write our first attempt at an[other] AST walker like this:
parse_transform(AST, _Options) ->
Mods = lists:flatten([Mods || {attribute,_Line,macro_modules,Mods} <- AST]),
lists:flatten([node_parse(Node, Mods) || Node <- AST]).
node_parse(Node, _Mods) -> Node.
function calls node_parse
on each top-level node in the AST. It calls lists:flatten
on the result because - as we already know - the EMP1-variety of top-level macro expansion may return more than one function definition from a single macro call. These definitions all need to be at the same "height" as the others, so the resulting deep list of nodes needs to be flattened.These two functions together will traverse the top level of the AST but not examine any sub-nodes. To do that we need to split the atom... er, node tuples, and parse each element in sequence:
node_parse(Node, Mods) when is_tuple(Node) ->
list_to_tuple([node_parse(Element, Mods) || Element <- tuple_to_list(Node)]).
Now if we were to compile and run this on our example.erl file we would get a big fat error... it turns out that not every element in a node tuple is actually another node tuple (but we already knew that, too). Some of the elements are lists, and some of them are atoms or integers. A few extra clauses should take care of these conditions:
node_parse(Node, Mods) when is_list(Node) ->
[node_parse(Element, Mods) || Element <- Node];
node_parse(Node, _Mods) -> Node.
Here is the whole module in one piece:
parse_transform(AST, _Options) ->
Mods = lists:flatten([Mods || {attribute,_Line,macro_modules,Mods} <- AST]),
lists:flatten([node_parse(Node, Mods) || Node <- AST]).
node_parse(Node, Mods) when is_list(Node) ->
[node_parse(Element, Mods) || Element <- Node];
node_parse(Node, Mods) when is_tuple(Node) ->
[Type,Line|ListElements] = tuple_to_list(Node),
Results = [node_parse(Element, Mods) || Element <- ListElements],
node_parse(Node, _Mods) -> Node.
And that is all we need to generically walk the entire AST.
Trapping the specific nodes we want to macro-expand is also rather trivial. We need to catch
module attributes and remote function calls, and to do that we just add two new clauses to the node_parse
node_parse(Node={attribute,Line,macro,{Mod,Fun,Args}}, _Mods) ->
io:format("Line ~B: EMP1-style macro attribute found.~n", [Line]),
% Do macro-expansion of attribute's Mod, Fun, and Args values.
node_parse(Node={call,Line,{remote,L,{atom,_,Mod},{atom,_,Fun}},Args}, Mods) ->
io:format("Line ~B: EMP2-style remote function call found.~n", [Line]),
% Test whether the remote call is to a macro module.
% If so, expand it. Otherwise traverse node as usual.
setelement(4, Node, node_parse(Args, Mods));
Next up: Expanding the macros.
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