Thursday 12 April 2007

Erlang Macro Processor (v1), Part III

EMP1 in Action
(How will I use this thing?)

A macro function must already be compiled before EMP1 can call it, so I will probably have to create an "example_macro.erl" module for each "example.erl" module, as needed.

The macro modules will simply export functions that return strings. Ideally the returned strings will be valid Erlang functions... if they are not valid Erlang functions then we will get to watch the pretty fireworks from the compiler. :-)

To generate a lookup function I might have a macro module something like this:


lookup_generate() ->
        "lookup(Offset) -> "
            "<<_:offset/binary,Value:8/integer,_/binary>> = <<~s>>, "

lookup_table() ->
    [[$,,FirstVal]|NumberString] =
            fun(Offset) ->
                io_lib:format(",~B", [Offset * 2])
            lists:seq(0, 3)),

In this example the lookup table generated has only four elements; each element's value in the table is just its offset multiplied by two.

If we were to compile and run example_macro:lookup_generate() directly we would see a whole string of numbers... to actually see what was produced in a readable format we will want to do something like this:

1> io:format("~s~n", [lists:flatten(example_macro:lookup_generate())]).

...actually, we probably want to do this instead, to save typing:

1> M = fun(R) -> io:format("~s~n", [lists:flatten(R)]) end.
2> M(example_macro:lookup_generate()).
lookup(Offset) -> <<_offset/binary,value:8/integer,_/binary>> = <<0,2,4,6>>, Value.

Hey, that even looks like a valid function... not bad as a proof of concept, but I really hope no-one uses a macro for a table that small!

Here is the module that I want this lookup function to be created in:

-compile({parse_transform, emp1}).

-macro({example_macro, lookup_generate, []}).

Note that the export directive is referring to a function that does not actually exist in the source file. This function will be generated at compile-time by EMP1 calling example_macro:lookup_generate() and inserting the parsed results into the compiled code.

We cannot compile this file just yet because we have not implemented EMP1, but hopefully we will soon be able to do this:

1> lists:map(fun(N) -> example:lookup(N) end, lists:seq(0, 3)).


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