Sunday, 22 April 2007

Erlang Macro Processor (v2), Part IV

Okay, now we are getting somewhere. Time to expand some macros!

To begin with we will start with something easy, like duplicating EMP1's functionality. We already have code from EMP1 to expand the -macro attribute entries, but unfortunately we cannot just cut-and-paste the EMP1 code into EMP2; our AST-walking is slightly different and we need to adjust ast_reversed_results:

ast_from_results(ResultsString, LineStart, ASTResults) ->
case remove_leading_whitespace(ResultsString) of
"" -> lists:reverse(ASTResults);
String ->
{done,{ok,Tokens,LineEnd},StringRest} =
erl_scan:tokens([], String, LineStart),
{ok, AST} = erl_parse:parse_form(Tokens),
ast_from_results(StringRest, LineEnd, [AST|ASTResults])

We change the -macro clause for node_parse to call the new function:

node_parse({attribute,Line,macro,{Mod,Fun,Args}}, _Mods) ->
ast_from_results(lists:flatten([apply(Mod,Fun,Args)|" "]), Line, []);

And that obscene remove_leading_whitespace function has returned:

remove_leading_whitespace([9 |String]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(String);
remove_leading_whitespace([10|String]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(String);
remove_leading_whitespace([32|String]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(String);
remove_leading_whitespace( String ) -> String.

The only difference between ast_from_results and ast_reversed_results is that ast_from_results keeps the resulting AST in the same order as the input ResultsString argument (it kindly reverses its already-reversed results for us before passing them back).

Unlike EMP1, EMP2 does NOT want to receive the results of the expanded AST in reversed order. We are not following the "build a list in reverse and then reverse the result" model for our AST (which works just fine for traversing the top level only), but rather using a recursive descent model for AST parsing. In this situation we need to keep the results in the order that they appear.

Now we have the EMP2 module reproducing the functionality of EMP1, and at only a few more lines of code. The only thing left to do is identify macro function calls, apply them, and insert the parsed results into the AST in place of the original call.


For remote function calls we have two situations to handle:
  • The remote function call is to a macro, and
  • The remote function call is not to a macro.

The easier case is when the remote function call is not to a macro function. We pretty much just want the default tuple node function to run on the node, but we cannot (easily) get there because this more-specific function clause will have intercepted the node before the default code gets a chance to run on it.

We could encapsulate the common default code in another function (or a substitution macro), but for simplicity's sake I will just build the required node in place with the setelement function. It is not a large amount of code:

node_parse(Node={call,Line,{remote,_,{atom,_,Mod},{atom,_,Fun}},Args}, Mods) ->
case lists:member(Mod, Mods) of
true ->
io:format("Function-level macro call: ~w~n", [Node]),
false -> setelement(4,Node,node_parse(Args, Mods))

Next up: The final installment - expanding remote macro function calls.

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